Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Mencontohi Tawadhu'nya Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam
Posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010
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Sabda Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam;
" Sesiapa yang tawadhu' akan diangkat kedudukannya oleh Allah Taala"
Islam menggalakkan kepada penganutnya supaya bersikap tawadhu' dan rendah diri serta menjauhi sifat sombong. Setiap kelebihan yang ada pada diri, hakikatnya adalah kurniaan Allah Taala. Setiap muslim diajar bahawa kemuliaan itu milik Allah Taala. Dia berkuasa memuliakan sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya dan menghinakan sesiapa yang dikehendakinya.
" Sifat sombong menunjukkan tersangat bodoh dan jahilnya orang yang sombong tersebut. Bagaimana sifat sombong mampu berada pada makhluk yang hanya dicipta dari mani yang hina dan kemudiaannya tidak lama selepasnya akan menjadi debu. Sekiranya terdapat padanya secebis kelebihan dan kebaikan, semua perkara itu hanyalah semata-mata kelebihan kurniaan Allah Taala." - Imam Haddad Rahimahullah -
Berkata ulama' salaf;
" Sesiapa yang merasakan seliparnya lebih baik dari selipar kawannya, dia adalah seorang yang sombong"
Sekiranya merasa bangga diri dengan selipar yang hanya diletakkan di kaki sudah dikira sombong, bagaimana dengan perkara yang lebih besar dari itu? Suasana hari ini, masyarakat berlumba-lumba untuk berbangga dengan kemewahan diri seumpama pakaiannya yang berjenama, telefon yang mahal dan canggih, kereta yang mampu memecut laju bahkan nombor pendaftaran kenderaan juga dijadikan sesuatu yang ingin dibanggakan. Begitulah jiwa manusia yang dididik dengan kemewahan dunia sehingga mereka hilang sifat qana'ah dalam diri. Sentiasa merasa tidak cukup dengan nikmat kurniaan Allah Taala jauh sekali untuk bersyukur dengan pelbagai nikmat kurniaan Ilahi kepada mereka.
Kemuliaan dan ketinggian martabat Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam tidak menjadikan Baginda Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam merasa sombong dengannya. Bahkan, Baginda Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam menunjukkan contoh teladan terbaik dengan menjadi seorang hamba yang paling tawadhu' dengan nikmat kurniaan Allah Taala.
Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam bersabda;
" Jangan kamu memujiku sebagaimana perbuatan orang Nasrani kepada Isa bin Maryam, sesungguhnya aku hanyalah hamba. Maka katakanlah; hamba Allah dan pesuruhnya"
Bermaksud: Jangan mengangkatku melebihi darjat kenabian dan kehambaan kepada Allah. Jangan meniru mereka yang mengangkat Nabi mereka sebagai Tuhan atau anak Tuhan.
Berkata Al-Imam Al-Busiri;
" Tinggalkan cara orang Nasrani memuji nabi mereka (mengangkat sebagai Tuhan),
Kemudiannya, katakanlah dan letakkanlah pada Muhammad dengan pujian sesuka hatimu,
Nisbahkanlah pada dirinya apa yang kamu ingini dari kemuliaan,
Nisbahkanlah pada kedudukannya apa yang kamu ingini dari keagungan,
Kerana sesungguhnya kelebihan Rasulullah itu tiada hadnya,
sehinggakan ketinggian itu tidak mampu diucapkan oleh lidah
Sehabis-habis ilmu yang ada pada mereka tentang dirinya hanyalah mampu mengatakan,
Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam merupakan semulia-mulia makhluk ciptaan Allah"
Kebiasaan sahabat, apabila melihat Rasulullah Sollallahu'ahalaihiwasallam, mereka akan bangun berdiri. Tawadhu'nya Rasulullah Sollahu'alaihiwasallam, Baginda melarang para sahabatnya dari berbuat demikian. Namun begitu, sahabat tidak mampu untuk menahan diri mereka. Suatu hari, apabila melihat keagungan pada Baginda Sollahu'alaihiwasallam, mereka bangun sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam. Lalu Rasulullah bertanya dengan tegas; tidakkah aku melarang kamu dari berbuat demikian? Para sahabat menjadi malu kepada Baginda Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam apabila ditanya sedemikian rupa. Mereka tidak mampu untuk membalas pertanyaan tersebut.
Tiba-tiba Sayyiduna Hassan bin Thabit menuju ke hadapan lalu berkata; aku akan menjawab persoalanmu itu wahai Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam. Sayyiduna Hassan bin Thabit pun menjawab dengan syairnya;
Lalu, Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam ketawa mendengar syair Sayyidina Hassan bin Thabit dan menerima apa yang diucapkan olehnya.
Begitulah sifat tawadhu pada Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam.
" Sifat sombong menunjukkan tersangat bodoh dan jahilnya orang yang sombong tersebut. Bagaimana sifat sombong mampu berada pada makhluk yang hanya dicipta dari mani yang hina dan kemudiaannya tidak lama selepasnya akan menjadi debu. Sekiranya terdapat padanya secebis kelebihan dan kebaikan, semua perkara itu hanyalah semata-mata kelebihan kurniaan Allah Taala." - Imam Haddad Rahimahullah -
Berkata ulama' salaf;
" Sesiapa yang merasakan seliparnya lebih baik dari selipar kawannya, dia adalah seorang yang sombong"
Sekiranya merasa bangga diri dengan selipar yang hanya diletakkan di kaki sudah dikira sombong, bagaimana dengan perkara yang lebih besar dari itu? Suasana hari ini, masyarakat berlumba-lumba untuk berbangga dengan kemewahan diri seumpama pakaiannya yang berjenama, telefon yang mahal dan canggih, kereta yang mampu memecut laju bahkan nombor pendaftaran kenderaan juga dijadikan sesuatu yang ingin dibanggakan. Begitulah jiwa manusia yang dididik dengan kemewahan dunia sehingga mereka hilang sifat qana'ah dalam diri. Sentiasa merasa tidak cukup dengan nikmat kurniaan Allah Taala jauh sekali untuk bersyukur dengan pelbagai nikmat kurniaan Ilahi kepada mereka.
Kemuliaan dan ketinggian martabat Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam tidak menjadikan Baginda Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam merasa sombong dengannya. Bahkan, Baginda Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam menunjukkan contoh teladan terbaik dengan menjadi seorang hamba yang paling tawadhu' dengan nikmat kurniaan Allah Taala.
Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam bersabda;
" Jangan kamu memujiku sebagaimana perbuatan orang Nasrani kepada Isa bin Maryam, sesungguhnya aku hanyalah hamba. Maka katakanlah; hamba Allah dan pesuruhnya"
Bermaksud: Jangan mengangkatku melebihi darjat kenabian dan kehambaan kepada Allah. Jangan meniru mereka yang mengangkat Nabi mereka sebagai Tuhan atau anak Tuhan.
Berkata Al-Imam Al-Busiri;
" Tinggalkan cara orang Nasrani memuji nabi mereka (mengangkat sebagai Tuhan),
Kemudiannya, katakanlah dan letakkanlah pada Muhammad dengan pujian sesuka hatimu,
Nisbahkanlah pada dirinya apa yang kamu ingini dari kemuliaan,
Nisbahkanlah pada kedudukannya apa yang kamu ingini dari keagungan,
Kerana sesungguhnya kelebihan Rasulullah itu tiada hadnya,
sehinggakan ketinggian itu tidak mampu diucapkan oleh lidah
Sehabis-habis ilmu yang ada pada mereka tentang dirinya hanyalah mampu mengatakan,
Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam merupakan semulia-mulia makhluk ciptaan Allah"

Tiba-tiba Sayyiduna Hassan bin Thabit menuju ke hadapan lalu berkata; aku akan menjawab persoalanmu itu wahai Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam. Sayyiduna Hassan bin Thabit pun menjawab dengan syairnya;
قيامي للعزيز عليّ فرض : وترك الفرض ما هو مستقيم
عجبت لمن له عقل وقلب : يرى هذا الجمال ولا يقوم
" Bangunnya aku kepada orang yang mulia adalah kewajipan,
meninggalkan kewajipan itu bukanlah satu sifat yang baik,
Aku merasa hairan kepada orang yang mempunyai akal dan hati,
apabila melihat kecantikan ini tetapi tidak bangun berdiri tanda penghormatan"
meninggalkan kewajipan itu bukanlah satu sifat yang baik,
Aku merasa hairan kepada orang yang mempunyai akal dan hati,
apabila melihat kecantikan ini tetapi tidak bangun berdiri tanda penghormatan"
Lalu, Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam ketawa mendengar syair Sayyidina Hassan bin Thabit dan menerima apa yang diucapkan olehnya.
Begitulah sifat tawadhu pada Rasulullah Sollallahu'alaihiwasallam.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
When Modern Science Agrees with the Qur'an
By Fethullah Gulen
We refer to many branches of science and scientific facts today
and use them to analyze various things and events — even religious matters. We refer to them, either one at a time or in groups, to provide evidence of Allah's existence and oneness to those who need such evidence.
Similarly, when looking at science in the light of the Qur'an, we point out that it contains information about the nature of things that agrees with modern scientific findings. Consider medicine. I once read a book called Medicine Is the Niche of the Faith. It is really so, and we must acknowledge God when studying our bodily existence and development. For instance, the Qur'anic description of the embryo corresponds exactly to what we know today. Furthermore, the Qur'an does not contain a single statement on this matter that modern science can criticize.
How could an unlettered desert Arab living more than 1,400 years ago know such facts, which were discovered recently by x-ray machines and other sophisticated equipment only after many centuries of intensive scientific research? We use such Qur'anic statements to argue for the Qur'an's divine origin. This, in turn, corroborates the truth of Muhammad's prophethood.
We refer to science and scientific facts when explaining Islam because some people are determined to reject anything that is not "scientific." Materialists and those opposed (or indifferent) to religion have sought to exploit science to defy religion and use its prestige to spread their thinking. Many people have followed their lead, which means that we have to use the same tools of science and technology to show that they do not contradict Islam and to lead people to the right path.
I agree with such an argument. Muslims should be well-versed in scientific facts to refute the claims of materialists and atheists. Many Qur'anic verses urge us to reflect and study and to observe the stars and galaxies. They impress upon us the Creator's magnificence, and exhort us to travel and observe the miraculousness of our organs and of creation.
The Qur'an's verses place all of creation before our eyes. Touching upon a multitude of facts, it tells us that those who truly fear God, among His servants, are those who have knowledge (Fatir 35:28), and so encourages us to seek knowledge, to reflect and research. However, remember that the first condition for all such activities is that they comply with the spirit of the Qur'an, lest we begin departing from it.
Our knowledge of science and its facts can and should be used to expound Islamic facts, not to impress others or silence their arguments. Our primary aim must be to win the pleasure of God and make sure that our audience understands the points we are making.
It is wrong to regard science as superior to religion and to seek to
justify substantial Islamic issues and Islam as a whole through modern scientific facts. Such attempts show that we have doubts about Islam and thus need science to reinforce our own belief. It is also wrong to accept science or scientific facts as absolute, for such things are subject to change. At best, they only support what the Qur'an says. In no way can the unchangeable and eternal Qur'an be confirmed by that which is changeable and temporary. Given this, Muslims should use science only as a tool to awaken sleeping or confused minds.
Science and scientific facts are true only as long as they agree with the Qur'an and the authentic Hadith. Even definitely established scientific facts cannot uphold the truths of faith; they can be only instruments to give us ideas or to trigger us to reflect. God, not science, establishes the truths of faith in our conscience, for faith comes only by Divine guidance. Those who seek to acquire faith from science may never feel the existence of God within their own consciousness. In reality, they will be nature worshipers, not worshipers of God.
We are believers because of the faith in our hearts, not the knowledge in our heads. Objective and subjective evidence can take us only so far. After that, we must drop all such things in order to make any spiritual progress at all. When we follow our heart and conscience within the Qur'an's light and guidance, God may guide us to the enlightenment for which we are looking. As the German philosopher Kant said, "I felt the need to leave behind all the books I read in order to believe in God."
* Taken, with slight modifications and with kind permission, from the author's website.
Fethullah Gulen is an influential Turkish Muslim intellectual who inspired a series of social activities, including a transnational education and business network, interfaith dialogue forums, and multicultural encounters.
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Muslim Intellectual — Turkey
We refer to many branches of science and scientific facts today

Similarly, when looking at science in the light of the Qur'an, we point out that it contains information about the nature of things that agrees with modern scientific findings. Consider medicine. I once read a book called Medicine Is the Niche of the Faith. It is really so, and we must acknowledge God when studying our bodily existence and development. For instance, the Qur'anic description of the embryo corresponds exactly to what we know today. Furthermore, the Qur'an does not contain a single statement on this matter that modern science can criticize.
How could an unlettered desert Arab living more than 1,400 years ago know such facts, which were discovered recently by x-ray machines and other sophisticated equipment only after many centuries of intensive scientific research? We use such Qur'anic statements to argue for the Qur'an's divine origin. This, in turn, corroborates the truth of Muhammad's prophethood.
We refer to science and scientific facts when explaining Islam because some people are determined to reject anything that is not "scientific." Materialists and those opposed (or indifferent) to religion have sought to exploit science to defy religion and use its prestige to spread their thinking. Many people have followed their lead, which means that we have to use the same tools of science and technology to show that they do not contradict Islam and to lead people to the right path.
I agree with such an argument. Muslims should be well-versed in scientific facts to refute the claims of materialists and atheists. Many Qur'anic verses urge us to reflect and study and to observe the stars and galaxies. They impress upon us the Creator's magnificence, and exhort us to travel and observe the miraculousness of our organs and of creation.
The Qur'an's verses place all of creation before our eyes. Touching upon a multitude of facts, it tells us that those who truly fear God, among His servants, are those who have knowledge (Fatir 35:28), and so encourages us to seek knowledge, to reflect and research. However, remember that the first condition for all such activities is that they comply with the spirit of the Qur'an, lest we begin departing from it.
Our knowledge of science and its facts can and should be used to expound Islamic facts, not to impress others or silence their arguments. Our primary aim must be to win the pleasure of God and make sure that our audience understands the points we are making.
It is wrong to regard science as superior to religion and to seek to

Science and scientific facts are true only as long as they agree with the Qur'an and the authentic Hadith. Even definitely established scientific facts cannot uphold the truths of faith; they can be only instruments to give us ideas or to trigger us to reflect. God, not science, establishes the truths of faith in our conscience, for faith comes only by Divine guidance. Those who seek to acquire faith from science may never feel the existence of God within their own consciousness. In reality, they will be nature worshipers, not worshipers of God.
We are believers because of the faith in our hearts, not the knowledge in our heads. Objective and subjective evidence can take us only so far. After that, we must drop all such things in order to make any spiritual progress at all. When we follow our heart and conscience within the Qur'an's light and guidance, God may guide us to the enlightenment for which we are looking. As the German philosopher Kant said, "I felt the need to leave behind all the books I read in order to believe in God."
* Taken, with slight modifications and with kind permission, from the author's website.
Fethullah Gulen is an influential Turkish Muslim intellectual who inspired a series of social activities, including a transnational education and business network, interfaith dialogue forums, and multicultural encounters.
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