Sunday, May 24, 2009
Ants speaks
BY :Abd Al-Daim Al-Kaheil
Translated By :Shenawi Mohummed Shenawi
Professor Robert Hickling has spent many years in watching insects and recording the sound vibrations they release. Yet, the matter couldn't be asserted till he was able to record sounds coming from ants. Hisaim was to follow up ants in the field crops; they didn't find better method than following ants’ sounds.
However, what surprised that scientist is that the sounds frequencies that ants release vary from an ant to another and from ants' species to another. There are twelve thousand species in the world and the ants' number on the earth outnumbers human beings' number. Before these tremendous numbers, researchers stood confused for how they can deal with all these sounds.
Many different sounds of ants could be recorded successfully and these pieces of research was published in Journal of Sound and Vibration magazine in 2006 and it was the first time that man can hear a real sound of ants!
This researcher published a lot of research and the most important one is about the communication among ants under the title "The Analysis of acoustic communication by ants": in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America magazine.
These researchers showed that ants exceed us at acoustic communication. Scientists expect that ant uses antennas to send and receive acoustic vibrations. The ant amplifies the received signals like the advanced receiving devices Moreover, it removes sounds overlapping , so it makes filtration or clarification to the sound to distinguish it from another. This is a very developed communication system that was unknown to scientists and they only discovered it a few years ago. Yet the Holy Qur'an dealt with that matter and told us that ants speak.
Allah said what means: Till, when they come to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said" O, ants enter your dwellings, lest Suleiman and his hosts crush you, while they perceive not.( suret al-naml 18 – ants) . In this verse, there is a clear evidence that ants have a language to understand one another and Allah gifted Suleiman with the ability to hear and understand these sounds. The scientists attempt to grasp these acoustic signals that ants utter. Yet, they distinguished four different kinds of these sounds after very long years of watching.

Scientists assert that ants are like us, they perform their tasks efficiently. While working, ants speak to each other and talk like human beings. We have found out that ants organize the process of food collecting and other tasks through certain sounds and instructions it releases and the others hear and respond!

When an ant attacks a caterpillar, it releases fearful sounds. These sounds were completely unknown and they resemble the human battle .

The Phil De Vries discovered that insects release weak acoustic vibrations that ants can distinguish; the aphid, secretes a sugary substance that ants like, this insect releases vibrations during its work that ants pick and consequently rush to their livelihood. Thus acoustic vibrations are tools of communication among insects.
Allah said: {the seven heavens and the earth and all that is herein glorifying Him but there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise but you understand not their glorification. Truly, He is Ever Forbearing, oft-forgiving.} Al-Isra.44.
Robert Hickling, one of the notabl researcher , said" ants don’t respond to the human voices nor are they affected by it. But when we direct it to suitable vibrations, it is affected and respond to them. This means that ants have their own language and they are completely like human beings. Here we remember the saying of Glorified Allah {there is not an animal in the earth nor a flying creature on two wings, but they are people like unto you. We have neglected nothing in the book (of our decrees. Then unto their Lord they will be gathered.} Al-An ậm 38.
Hence we realize that The Holy Qur'an agrees with modern science .
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ikatan Janji Seorang Hamba Dengan Allah Taala
“ (Tetapi) kerana mereka melanggar janji mereka, kami melaknat mereka (jauh dari pandangan rahmat) dan kami jadikan hati mereka keras……”
[ al-Maidah: 12]
Apakah perjanjian antara kita dan Allah Taala?
Sabda Rasulullah Sollallahu’alaihiwasallam;
“ Perjanjian antara kita dengan Tuhan kita adalah solat. Sesiapa yang meninggalkannya sesungguhnya dia telah kufur”
Kelembutan bahasa dalam dalam Hadis Baginda Sollallahu’alaihiwasallam terserlah kerana kalimah yang digunakan di dalam hadis adalah “telah kufur” (فقد كفر), tidak digunakan kalimah “maka dia adalah orang yang kafir” (وهو كافر). Kalimah “telah kufur” membawa maksud perkara itu bukan sesuatu yang kekal dan berterusan. Ianya boleh berubah apabila seseorang itu bertaubat kepada Allah Taala.
Setiap dari Muslim perlu sentiasa melakukan muhasabah ke atas diri mereka. Adakah mereka mendirikan solat sebagaimana yang telah diperintahkan oleh Allah kepada mereka? Ataupun mereka termasuk dalam golongan yang mengabaikan perintah dan janji mereka kepada Allah Taala sehingga membawa kepada kemurkaanNya? Semoga kita termasuk dari golongan pertama, dijauhkan dari menjadi golongan yang kedua, amin.
“ Hisablah diri kamu sebelum kamu dihisab (di hari kiamat), hitunglah amalan kamu sebelum amalan kamu dihitung (di hari kiamat)”

Sekiranya kita telah termasuk dalam kalangan hambaNya yang sentiasa menjaga solat
Firman Allah Taala;
“ Sesungguhnya solat itu mencegah seseorang dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar”
Difahami dari ayat di atas bahawa sembahyang menghalang seseorang dari terjebak dalam perkara yang keji dan ditegah syara’. Sekiranya solat yang didirikan tidak mampu menghalang seseorang dari perkara yang dimurkai Allah, dia mestilah menilai kembali dirinya. Adakah dia telah mendirikan solat dengan sempurna? Apabila solat tidak mampu menghalang seseorang dari keburukan, bermakna dia tidak memandang serius janjinya dengan Allah Taala.
Masalah ini memerlukan kepada suatu muhasabah. Seseorang melakukan sembahyang dengan tergesa-gesa tanpa menjaga adabnya kemudian mendakwa telah mendirikan solat. Hakikatnya, dia tidak mendirikan solat sebagaimana diperintahkan oleh Allah Taala kepadanya. Solat sebeginilah menyebabkan seseorang tidak mampu membina kekuatan dalam diri untuk meninggalkan maksiat kepada Allah. Kesilapan bukan kerana dia mendirikan solat, akan tetapi berpunca dari kelalaiannya ketika mendirikan solat. Terlalu memandang mudah dan ringan dengan tanggungjawabnya kepada Allah.
Namun begitu, bukan bermakna seseorang boleh meninggalkan solatnya apabila solatnya tidak mampu mencegahnya dari terjatuh dalam perkara yang diharamkan syara’. Setiap muslim wajib menunaikan janjinya ini dengan Allah Taala samada dia mampu menghadirkan rasa khusyu’ dalam sembahyangnya ataupun tidak. Solat tetap wajib ke atas dirinya. Tidak ada pengecualian untuk mereka.
Sembahyang adalah tiang agama. Solat itu adalah janji kita dengan Allah Taala. Apabila kita menanggalkan janji yang telah diikat, laknat Allah akan menimpa. Laknat bermaksud jauh. Jauh daripada pandangan rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah Taala. Cubalah untuk menghayati ungkapan bismillahirrahmanirrahim yang diungkapkan setiap kali kita memulakan perbuatan mahupun perkataan. Seseorang yang dilaknat adalah manusia yang jauh dari Allah Taala Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang.
Apabila jauh dari rahmat Allah Taala, perkara ini mendorong kepada kerasnya hati. Lembut adalah tanda sesuatu itu hidup, keras adalah tanda mati. Orang yang hatinya keras bermakna hatinya telah mati. Hati yang keras dan mati tidak terkesan dengan apa yang berlaku disekelilingnya. Melakukan sesuatu mengikut akal dan hawa nafsu semata-mata tanpa panduan syara’. Keadaan inilah menjadikan seseorang itu terjerumus ke lembah kehinaan di dunia dan di akhirat.
* Intipati pengajian Tafsir al-Quran bersama as-Syeikh ad-Doktor Ali Jumu'ah Hafizohullah, Mufti Mesir di Masjid Sultan Hassan; Jumaat, 20 Jamadilawal 1430H
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Warkah Buat Diri Yang Mengaku Hamba
Dibawah naungan kekuasan-Mu yang menguasai timur dan barat. Segalanya telah berada dalam gengaman Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Seringkali makhluk ciptaan-Mu ini menyampaikan amalan yang kurang enak untuk di hadapkan pada-Mu wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Kami tahu akan paksi kami pada kalimah “Tiada Tuhan yang Maha Esa melainkan Mu Ya Allah”, telah kami tenggelamkan kalimah ini di dasar hati agar lemas kami dalam lautan dunia, mampu kami bernafas di dasarnya dengan kalimah ini. Namun, sejauh kami tenggelam dalam dunia ini, mata kami masih lagi kabur dalam mencari kalimah ini pada dasarnya….janganlah engkau matikan kami sebelum sempat kami mampu berpaut dengan kalimah ini sejazamnya pada hati kami Ya Allah. Tiadalah indah penghidupan kami di sana tanpa beriman pada Mu Ya Allah.
Wahai Tuhanku… hamba yang hina masih mengharap pada Mu.
Engkau telah mengukirkan dalam Al-Furqan bahawa sesungguhnya…
“Dan orang-orang yang beriman serta beramal soleh, mereka itu penghuni syurga, mereka kekal selamanya di dalamnya”. Al-Baqarah, ayat 82.
“Dan kehidupan dunia ini tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yang menipu." Al-Hadid, ayat 20.Namun, seringkali kami ingin keluar dari lingkaran yang menyempitkan diri ini, kekadang menyebabkan kami terasa terlalu sukar kerana pautan nafsu pada dunia seolah-olah enggan berenggang dengannya. Sehinggakan kami terasa bagaikan keseorangan dalam perlawanan dengan hawa nafsu, sedangkan kami dibekalkan iman di hati ini. Hinggalah kami akur bahawa kehidupan yang kami lalui ini takkan sunyi dari tarikan hawa nafsu pada dunia, saat kami terasa lemah lingkaran iman terus menyentak menyedarkan kami hakikat kehidupan yang abadi. Maka, wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, janganlah Engkau biarkan kami lemah dalam melawan hawa nafsu dunia, jangan biarkan kami terus hanyut dalam tipu daya syaitan yang selalu menjanjikan kesenangan yang sementara. Oleh itu, bantulah kami dalam memalingkan nafsu kami ke arah keredhaanMu..

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini
“Dan janganlah kamu menuruti langkah-langkah Syaitan, kerana sesungguhnya Syaitan itu adalah musuh yang nyata bagimu” Al-Baqarah, ayat 168.

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini
“…Dan Allah tidak menganiayai mereka, akan tetapi merekalah yang yang selalu menganiayai diri mereka sendiri." An-Nahl, ayat 33.
Ust Farezuan
Si Pemegang Amanah
Sekiranya coronary artey tersumbat, jantung tetap tidak akan mencuri. Apa yang akan terjadi? Kematian. Dan jantung menujukkan satu lagi sikap, lebih baik mati dalam kemulian daripada mati dalam kehinaan.
Jantung juga tidak mementingkan diri. Dia tahu organ-organ lain di dalam badan memerlukan bantuannya. Dia bekerja dalam jemaah, ada "team work". Jantung mengepam 5 L darah dalam masa satu minit. Jumlahnya hampir-hampir satu baldi air. Dia bekerja tanpa rehat. Sekiranya manusia tidur, otaknya akan berehat. Tapi jantungnya akan terus menjalankan tanggungjawabnya kepada Allah.
Jantung menerima arahan dari SA node. Bahasa mudahnya, SA node ini seperti seorang ketua dan jantung akan mematuhi arahan ketuanya. Dia tidak akan datang lambat. Dia tahu betapa penting dirinya. Dia perlu selalu berinteraksi, menjaga batas perhubungannya. Sekiranya dia berhenti berinteraksi, akan berlaku "sudden cardiac death". Jantung akan tiba-tiba mati.
Satu lagi perkara mengenai jantung - dia tidak akan berhenti bergerak. Apa yang akan terjadi kalau jantung berhenti bergerak? Darah akan bergumpal dan seterusnya menyebabkan strok dan serangan sakit jantung. Jantung mengajar kita agar sentiasa belajar - menjadi continuous learning person. Jangan berhenti. Exam bukannya terminal (penamat) segalanya-galanya. Sebagai seorang muslim, perlu belajar sehingga ke liang lahad.
Jantung ini patuh pada siapa?? Jantung ini patuh pada penciptanya, Allah. Kalau dia patuh pada saya dan awak, dah lama jantung mati. Contohnya, awak beri arahan, sekarang berdegup cam gini...Lepas tu, awak beri lagi arahan...berdegup cam gini...Awak akan jadi gila, dan jantung juga akan mati kerana mematuhi peraturan yang tidak masuk akal.
Kadang kita tidak sedar betapa hebatnya kasih sayang Allah buat hambaNya. Derhaka macam mana pun, jatung tetap berfungsi dengan baik. Semua itu nikmat. Nasihat saya buat awak dan saya, bertaubatlah sebelum jantung itu berhenti berfungsi kerana mematuhi perintah RabbNya.
Sumber :
Email Puan Shalina Mohamad Guru Kimia Maktab Rendah Sains MARA Kem Terendak.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother’s Day from an Islamic Perspective
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
First of all, it goes without saying that every committed Muslim is supposed to pay his parents, especially his mother, due respect. One should try to show dutifulness to one’s parents, even if they happened to be non-Muslims, let alone being Muslims. What Islam goes against is to imitate non-Muslims by marking a special occasion such as celebrating the Mother’s Day in a way that shows that mothers do not deserve due respect and care save on this very day. If we are going to make the whole year a Mother’s Day, then Islam welcomes celebrating the occasion with open arms.
Indeed, Muslim scholars have maintained various opinions regarding the issue. Here below we will attempt to furnish you with Juristic views as regard this issue:
First of all, Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, deputy chairman of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, states:
Dutifulness to parents, especially the mother, and treating them kindly is an act of worship enjoined in both the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Being dutiful to parents is not confined to a specific time. It is an obligation that should be observed every time, as all people commonly know.Moreover, the well known erudite scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi states:
Yet, the Mother’s Day, as it’s known nowadays is a Western habit. The Westerners specified a day and called it the Mother’s Day. On that day sons and daughters show gratefulness to their mothers and offer them presents. It has become part of important feasts in the West, whereas we Muslims have no other festivals except the Lesser and the Greater Bairams. Any other celebrations are deemed mere occasions or anniversaries; and this is applied to the Mother’s Day.
The Mother’s Day implies paying more attention and exerting more effort in expressing gratitude to mothers. So there is nothing wrong in that.
However, there are two reservations worth mentioning; first, considering the Mother’s Day a feast; second, confining the task of showing dutifulness to mothers to that specific day, giving implication that throughout the whole year, just only one day is for showing love to parents. If such two anomalous points are addressed, then there is nothing wrong in considering the Mother’s Day a chance to give more care to mothers.
Thus, we may take the Mother’s Day as a chance to lay more emphasis on our duty towards our mothers, as Islam enjoins us, because dutifulness to parents is a genuine Islamic teaching. But Muslims, in doing that, should never deviate from the Islamic teachings, they should do things in Islamic manners, not in Western manners. Hence, they would not be imitating the non-Islamic habits of the West.
Hence, viewed in juristic perspective, we can say that celebrating the Mother’s day is controversial among the contemporary scholars. While a group of them consider it haram (unlawful) as a kind of blind imitation of the Western non-Islamic habits, which have no benefit for Muslims, another group see it halal (lawful) on condition that showing gratitude and dutifulness to parents should not be confined to that day only.
The Arab tend to blindly follow the Western in their celebration of the Mother’s Day, without trying to understand the wisdom behind inventing such an occasion.
When the European found that children do not deal properly towards their parents nor give them their due right, they resorted to specifying an annual occasion for children to remedy the situation. But in Islam, mothers are to be given due respect and love every time, not only one day a year. For example, when one goes out, he kisses one’s mother’s hand seeking her pleasure and blessing.
A Muslim must not allow any gap between him and his mother, he must offer her presents every time. This indicates that Muslims can dispense with such an occasion, the Mother’s Day. Unlike the case in the West, where it’s a vogue for some children to show indifference to their mothers’ feelings, and, what’s more, it is so common to see some parents being dragged to infirmaries (as their kids have no time for them), dutifulness to parents in Islam, alongside with worshipping Allah, is a sacred duty.
In this concern, Almighty Allah says: (And We have commended unto man kindness toward parents. His mother beareth him with reluctance, and bringeth him forth with reluctance, and the bearing of him and the weaning of him is thirty months, till, when he attaineth full strength and reacheth forty years, he saith: My Lord! Arouse me that I may give thanks for the favor wherewith Thou hast favored me and my parents, and that I may do right acceptable unto Thee. And be gracious unto me In the matter of my seed. Lo! I have turned unto Thee repentant, and lo! I am of those who surrender (unto Thee).) (Al-Ahqaf 46: 15)
Reflecting on the aforementioned Qur’anic verse, we find it stressing both parents’ right, but reviewing the following verses we find them paying special care to the mother and tackling the hardships she suffers in pregnancy, fosterage and rearing children.
In this verse, Almighty Allah informs man of the debt he owes his mother since he was a fetus, passing by the process of childbirth, infancy, childhood until he comes of age. A child normally forgets the hardship which his mother underwent during pregnancy. Hence Almighty Allah draws his attention to such hardships, laying emphasis on her great status in Islam.Finally, Dr. `Abdul Fattah `Ashoor, professor of Qur’an Exegisis at Al-Azhar University, concludes:
Holding celebrations in honoring others and commemorating anniversaries are neither feasts nor Islamic. But one may seize any chance to express gratitude to those who deserve it. This is how we should consider the Mother’s Day. The mother has a special place in the Islamic culture, and all other civilized cultures. So it is something good to do anything to please her and show gratefulness to her.
So dedicating a day to showing good feelings towards parents, especially the mother, is by no means blameworthy as it does not contradict the Islamic teachings, nor can it be merely considered a form of joining the Western vogue of making celebrations. Conversely, it is a kind of devotion to Allah’s orders that we should be dutiful to our parents.